Instructions for Referees
The editorial board designates three referees – experts in the scientific branch of the contribution. If the referee who has been addressed does not feel competent in the area of the paper or if there are any other reasons that do not allow him to write the review, he rejects writing it and notifies the editor about it. Common deadlines for reviewing are:
- Time limit for writing/submitting the review - 30 days
- Time limit for announcing the review rejection - till 7 days.
Referees are asked to evaluate a paper according to the following instructions. Referees are not expected to correct or copyedit manuscripts. Language correction is not a part of the peer review process.
A. Topic of contribution / Originality
This point is focused on the originality of the paper – in other words, you will expresses your opinion on whether the paper presents new facts extending the knowledge in the given scientific branch, whether such results have not been published yet by this author or other authors in other periodicals or books. Additionally, you might like to mention other sources dealing with this theme that have not been quoted by the author. Your rating mark an X in the narrow merges left next election.
B. Scientific level
Scientific level of paper means the quality of new scientific facts in the paper, as well as the measure of their contribution for the relevant scientific branch. The quality to be assessed in this part is if the topic of submitted contribution falls with the scientific area Law and Security and if the paper is acceptable for publishing in Scientific Journal. Your rating mark an X in the narrow merges left next election.
C. Professional level
In this part, you will also examine how these new facts are presented and documented in paper. Another aspect to be considered is how the paper matches the generally accepted attributes of paper, including articulation of paper, balance of its parts and correctness of conclusions. Your rating mark an X in the narrow merges left next election.
D. Formal level (beyond language and stylistic level)
You should focus your attention on the quality of the text and graphic elaboration, correctness of description of equation, figures, graphs, tables, etc. In general, the extent of contribution is proportional to the relevance of its content. Recommended number of pages is 15 at maximum. The title of the papers should correspond to its content. If it does not fully correspond to it, you might suggest/recommend its modification.
Abstracts and keywords are very important for readers' orientation. Please, study them carefully and if they are not in full accordance with the content of the article recommend a change/modification.
In this point, you have an opportunity to assess if the author has properly followed the Instructions for Authors.
Your rating mark an X in the narrow merges left next election.
E. Language and stylistic level
If it is possible, you can also evaluate the language level of the paper. The important attribute of the paper is the way of using and notation of references in sense of the standard of ISO 690. Your rating mark an X in the narrow merges left next election.
F. Final opinion on publication
In the part of review please evaluate the paper using previous criteria A – D and take a final decision. Your rating mark an X in the narrow merges left next election, f.e., see:
G. Further notes
Should you have any factual objections, remarks and/or recommendations for paper correction, please write them and indicate if the correction is necessary or recommended. Please, state clearly what parts or elements of the paper (values, figures, graphs, etc.) are to be corrected. The place for your possible remarks and recommendations is at the end of appropriate box.