Crisis management 2014
8th International Scientific Conference
Mayor of the South-Moravian Region
Bc. Romana Onderky, MBA,
Vice - General Director of Fire Rescue Service,
Brigadier General Dipl. Eng. Miloš Svoboda
Rector of the Karel Englis College, Inc.
Dipl. Eng. Jiří Koleňák, PhD., MBA
Venue of the Conference:
Karel Englis College, Inc.,
Mezírka 775/1
602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
12th and 13th June 2014
- Fill out the Binding application to 15th April 2014.
- The full text of the paper in the Proceedings please adapted
- Article title – in the Conference language and in English language
- Author(s) – Name, Surname, title, name of organization, address of organization, e-mail, phone,
- Abstract – max 10 lines in the Conference language and in English language
- Keywords – in the Conference language and in English language
- Pictures insert in a separate file
by 30st April 2014 in the Czech (Slovak) or in English language send to rudolf.horak@vske.cz.
- The Conference fee should be sent by credit transfer by the 30th April 2014. Invoice will receive at the conference registration. In registration submit a document of the conference fee payment.
- Presentations should be not exceed 15 minutes and will be followed by discussion.
- The papers will be published in the conference record of proceedings. The proceedings will be distributed to the conference participants on CD during their registration. Selected papers will be published in a professional scientific journal "Periodica Academica" of Karel Englis College, Inc.
- Conference languages are Czech, Slovak and English.
- Conference fees are not refundable for absent. Conference materials will be sent on non-participants in the conference after the request.
- by the 15st April 2014 send Binding Application (call for papers)
- by the 30st April 2014 send a complete text of the paper to the record of proceedings
- by the 30st April 2014 pay the conference fee by credit transfer
- by the 31st May 2010 you will be informed about the Conference draft agenda
Fees | Covers | Payment |
Conference fee | 2 lunches, refreshment, social evening with dinner, conference materials,proceedings of abstractswith proceedings of paperson CD porter, entrance feesto historical sites of Brno | 1 500,-CZK, include VAT |
Ing. Petr Horák - EXPOHOUSE
VAT No.: CZ 7212295310
Raiffeisenbank, Inc., Jánská 3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Account No:533 954 1001/5500
IBAN: CZ3155000000005339541001
Variable symbol: VAT No of company.
Telephone: +420 777 811 931
E-mail: expohouse@expohouse.cz BINDING APPLICATIONOnline Binding application is hereSCHEDULE:hereTOPICS FOR THE CONFERENCE:1st Session: Security in Europe
- European security in the present and the future.
- Review the security situation in the Czech Republic (CZ).
- The security situation in foreign countries and its impact on the security of the CZ.
2nd Session: Education and protection of the population
- Adult Education in the field of crisis management.
- Mental fitness of a security forces.
- Psychological help those affected.
- Preparation of public administration crisis specialists of and IRS components.
3rd Session: Strategies of regions (municipalities) assurance
- Safety of the population - part of the strategic planning of regional (municipalities) development.
- Legal standards and their application in the regions (municipalities).
- Monitoring and analysing systems for mass-destruction event.
- Ensuring of the life quality of a regions (municipalities) population.
- Public Administration and the protection of society.
4th Session: Indicators of regions (municipalities) safety
- The level of safety culture and management system,
- Organization and planning of resources needed in crisis management,
- Reducing of the incidents risks
- Řízení lidských zdrojů.
- Human Resource Management,
- Risk Assessment,
- Information management and provide information, etc.
5th Session: Security research
- Safety projects and their results
- Monitoring and evaluation systems, information systems and warning systems,
- Methods of risk analysis and vulnerability assessment in research,
- Promoting sustainable development in the region (municipalities) with the application of environmental sustainability index (ESI) and environmental vulnerability index (EVI) and Local Agenda 21, etc.
- Brigadier General Dipl. Eng. Miloš SVOBODA, Vice - General Director of Fire Rescue Service, CZ,
- Dipl. Eng. Jiří KOLEŇÁK, Ph.D., MBA, Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
- MA. Barbora NOVOTNÁ BŘEZOVSKÁ, PhD. Vice rector Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
- Professor Ladislav ŠIMÁK, PhD., Dean of the Faculty of Special Engineering, University of Žilina , the Slovak Republic (SK),
- Assoc. Prof. Stanislav FILIP, PhD., Vice- rector of University of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, SK,
- Professor Štefan VOLNER, PhD., University of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, SK,
- Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk KOUDELKA, PhD., Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,,
- Assoc. Prof. Tosho KACHAUNOV, PhD., Dean of the Faculty of Transport Management, Sofia, Bulgaria,
- Professor Vladimír KLABAN, PhD., rector of the Rašin College, Inc., CZ
- Professor Ion DINESCU, PhD., Vice-rector of Air Force Academy 'Henri Coandã', Rumania,
- doc. RNDr. Róbert MAGDA, Ph.d., Head of Department Károly Róbert College, Hungary,
- Professor Iryna A. MARKINA, Vice -Rector on scientific and pedagogical work and international collaboration, Poltava National Technikal Yurii Kondratuyk University, Ukraine,
- Professor Leoš NAVRÁTIL, PhD., Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ
- Ing. Jiří HALAŠKA, Ph.D., Vice-dean, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ
- Assoc. Prof. Ludvík JUŘÍČEK, PhD., Director, Security Institute (SI), Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
- Col. Dipl. Eng. Ladislav GELETA, Director, Fire Rescue Service Institute, CZ,
- Assoc. Prof. Luděk LUKÁŠ, PhD., Security Engineering Institute, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, CZ,
- Col. Dipl. Eng. Rostislav RICHTER, Director, Population Protection Institute in Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ,
- Assoc. Prof. Michail ŠENOVSKÝ, Security Engineering Faculty, Technical University in Ostrava, CZ,
- prof. dr. hab. Ing. Tadeusz LECZYKIEWICZ, Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu, Polska,
- Assoc. Prof. Maya LAMBOVSKA, PhD., Department of Management, University of National and Economics, Bulgaria,
- Dipl. Eng. Zdeněk KOPECKÝ, PhD., Director of the Crisis Management Institute, University of Economics in Prague, CZ
- plk. v.v. Mgr. Bohumír MARTÍNEK, Ph.D., Fire Fighters Association of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, CZ,
- Dipl. Eng. Lenka DANIELOVÁ, Ph.D., ICV Mendel University in Brno, CZ,
- Assoc. Prof. Rudolf HORÁK, PhD., SI, Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
Chief Manager of the Conference: Assoc. Prof. Rudolf Horák, PhD., Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
e-mail: rudolf.horak@vske.cz, tel. 00420774620106Members of Organizational Team:JUDr. Jarmila VAŠULKOVÁ, Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
Dr. Rudolf SCHWARZ, PhD., Karel Englis College, Inc.,
Assoc. Prof. Ludvík JUŘÍČEK, PhD., Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,
Assoc. Prof. Pavel ZAHRADNÍČEK, PhD., Karel Englis College, Inc., CZ,