Conferences VŠKE

Conference topics focused on the development of society, ideas and trends in economics, law, management and social sciences. The conference was attended not only by academics of VŠKE, but also academics from other institutions. The guest of honor was Georgiana Turculet, Ph.D. the Central European University, who gave a presentation with the theme of International Migration. An overview presenting ways forward from the open versus closed borders dichotomous view.
The Conference included a section of presentations of students who completed study internships abroad supported by the project OP Innovation of VŠKE.
Proceedings from the conference can be found here.
The Mayor of Brno, Roman Onderka, MBA, Deputy CEO of FRS CR Brig, Milos Svoboda and the rector of the University of Karel Englis, Inc. Ing. George Koleňák, Ph.D., MBA hosted the 8th International Scientific Conference, “Strategy, Security and Research”, which took place on the 12th and 13th of June, 2014.
The conference was also attended by Deputy CEO of the Fire and Rescue Service Brigade, Miloš Svoboda, head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno, Professor Miroslav HIRT, PhD., Professor Dr. József PADANYI, DSc., From the National University of Public Administration, Hungary, Professor Ľubomír Belani, MD. from the University of Zilina in the Slovak Republic, among others.
The conference focused on the development strategy of the region, including public safety and security research. The individual topics were covered in 38 presentations, 8 of which were from abroad.
The main themes of the conference were:
- Safety and Security of Europe
- Education and Protection of Population
- Strategies for Protecting the Region (municipalities)
- Indicators security regions (municipalities)
At the conference, the theme of Safety was looked at from a variety of perspectives, including the recommendation of using a variety of methods, as well as, ideas and tools for its improvement. Another topic discussed were development strategies in relation to regions to ensure their safety. The discussion showed that safety must be supported in the Regional Development Strategy and possibly the Strategic Plan at the municipal level, which represents a complex socio-economic development of the region and municipalities. The contributions of the research dealt with statistical results of completed projects and also the study of conditions needed for the successful development of these central themes. The conference also forecasted new concepts of protection for the population from 2020 until 2030. Participants were introduced to a representatives of the South Moravian Region, who presented results of research from NGOs of the South Moravian Region.
Selected papers were reviewed and published during conference proceedings. Feedback from the conference was evaluated by all participants as an overall success.
The conclusions made during this conference will contribute to the development of this issue. These conferences have become a source of ideas for other projects, security research and provide information for professional educational activities and training of personnel in the field of security management.
To solve all the issues were created suitable environment conference. Publications from this conference provides possibilities for practical application, comparison and assessment of differing opinions on this topic.
Lead Manager Conference
doc. Ing. Rudolf HORÁK, CSc.
Conference topics:
- Identifying trends, the current economic development and impact of the global economic environment
- Legal aspects of business, development and economic implications for practice
- Task management in an uncertain global business environment
- International migration and its economic aspects
- Problems of a multicultural society
- The role and approaches to learning in modern society
- Ethics in business and its relationship with organizational culture.
- The conference was attended by academics of VŠKE, who took advantage of the conference to present the results of their international internships, along with academics from other institutions abroad. For example, one guest was Associate Prof. Dr. Paweł Czarnecki, PhD. MBA rector Wyższej School Menedżerskiej in Warsaw and Gabrielle Hausman, MBA, a Sales Manager at the Vienna Academy.
The conference was attended by academics of VŠKE, who took advantage of the conference to present the results of their internships abroad. The main guest was Professor Espen Bratberg from the University of Bergen, who presented a paper "Worried SICK? Worker Responses to Organizational Turmoil".
The Conference included a section designated for the presentations of students who completed internships supported by the project OP Innovation of VŠKE, who presented their experiences from abroad in English.
"Crisis management", held on 13th and 14th June 2012.
The International Scientific Conference involved of experts in the field of security management, information exchange and establishment of relations in the field of science and research, security and cooperation in the scientific sphere to meet and discuss issues in this field. The conference was attended by experts and professionals from the Czech Republic, 5 countries of Europe and one from Asia.
The host for this conference were:
- Governor of South Moravian Region JUDr. Michal Hasek,
- Mayor of Brno Bc. Roman Onderka, MBA,
- Deputy Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic Brigade, Miloš Svoboda,
- Rector on behalf of the University of Karel Englis, as prof. Ing. Jaroslav Komarek, PhD.
Guests for the conference from the Czech Republic (CZ), were Deputy Chief of General Staff - Inspector General of ACR Ing. Francis Malenínská, Deputy General Director of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Brig. Miloš Svoboda, the South Moravian Regional Authority, Ing. JUDr. Zdeněk Dufek, and director of security IDET Ing. Karel Torn.
And guests from abroad included:
Khan Javier, a member of the International Staff of NATO in Brussels (Civil Emergency Planning Department), doc. Ing. Elena Tarasova, PhD. From the International Environmental Sharkov State University in Minsk, Belarus, and from Opole University of Technology, Poland was doc. Ing. Wojciech Kozlowski, PhD., and doc. Ing. Tomas LOVEČEK, PhD. from the University of Žilina, Faculty of Special Engineering faculty associate dean for scientific research University of Bokhariot in Uzbekistan, Ortikjon Khurramov, Mgr. and Mgr. Paul Jakubovič Šarojko from news agencies UNIAN in Kiev, Ukraine as well as others.
Invitations were also accepted by representatives from the business sector and public administration institutions.
This conference was supported by both management and public administration, as well as universities and business companies in the Czech Republic, the countries of the European Union and NATO. The conference was attended by 91 experts (university teachers and researchers, professionals in the field of security management of the public administration and the business community). From the Czech Republic there were 70 participants and from abroad were 21 experts from 5 countries in Europe and 1 from Asia.
The conference program was divided into several parts. The plenary was attended and presented by a number of guests, and among them was the Deputy Mayor of Brno, rector of the University of Karel Englis, member of the International Staff of NATO, Deputy Director General of the Fire Brigade, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, Deputy Director of the Joint Operations Center of the ACR, Head of the Department of Technical University of Opole in Poland, head of the South Moravian Regional Authority of the Czech Republic, the director of security trade fairs in Brno. Further meetings took place separately in four professional sections divided into the following themes:
- Preparing and training people.
- Securing life on Earth.
- Security and protection of the population.
- Security research.
Selected papers were reviewed and published in conference proceedings. The English version of the proceedings was sent for publication to Thomson Reuters Publications & Processing. Feedback of the conference was assessed by both conference participants and staff of VŠKE. It was evaluated as successful and informative. The conclusions of the conference were sent to the central administrative offices that have security solutions in its auspices.
Contributions by experts, researchers, teaching staff, scientific experts and business leaders brought together a forum for sharing ideas and also offers inspiration for professional growth. The themes of the conference contributed to the expansion of ideas for further security research projects. It has also become a source of information for professional educational activities and training of personnel in the field of security management. It creates an environment for sharing knowledge and networking.
On 25th November 2011, Karel Englis College, in cooperation with other Czech and Slovak colleges and universities, organized the 6th International Scientific Conference titled “Economics and Law – Synergy or Antagonism?”. The aim of this conference was to reflect and discuss current trends in theory and practice in the wider scope of economic and juridical environment in the Czech Republic and in the EU.
Ing. Karel Englis, a grandson of Prof. Karel Englis, took over the patronage of this conference. The conference also marked the 10th anniversary of the inception of teaching at the College. In the past years, the patronage over the conferences was taken over by various specialists such as the former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, or by deans and vice-chancellors from various Czech and Slovak economic faculties.